KIKE TURMIX está en una situación muy difícil. Padece un cáncer de hígado y necesita tu ayuda.
Es de vital importancia que este mensaje llegue al mayor número posible de sus amigos. Por favor, pásalo a todo aquél que creas que pueda estar interesado en colaborar. Muchas gracias.
Y si a alguien le interesa echarles una mano a Kike y Marga:
Nº de cuenta de
Dolores Margarita Gaffaro Vilar y Enrique Vitoria Cormenzana
0030 1017 82 0387548273
It\'s not like this guy needs an introduction, but in case you’ve been living under a rock these years, there you go – this is Kike Turmix, ex-frontman of the Pleasure Fuckers and the boss at Safety Pin records, without a doubt an, if not THE, icon in Spain\'s punk&rock’n’roll scene.
Mr. Turmix is going through hard times these days. He’s been diagnosed a liver cancer, with metastasis to several other organs and, plainly put, he’s fucked. He’s going to get through all right, without a doubt! But it’s going to be long, painful and, well, expensive. He cannot currently work of course, and his wife Marga has also quit her job to be by him.
So now, if you have ever met Kike, had a drink with him, been booked a tour in Spanish for your band, hated, or praised him until you ran out of words, put your money where your mouth is and give him a hand in this hour of need. Every little helps!
This is Kike & Marga’s bank account:
Nº cta: 0030 1017 82 0387548273 (Banesto)
Titulares: Dolores Margarita Gaffaro Vilar y Enrique Vitoria Cormenzana
In the transfer\'s comment you can indicate ““Kike Turmix Fund” and, if you care, your name too, so they know where your help and appreciation comes from.
Thanks beforehand! Distribute this message around the rock’n’roll community!
More info (in Spanish) at
Es de vital importancia que este mensaje llegue al mayor número posible de sus amigos. Por favor, pásalo a todo aquél que creas que pueda estar interesado en colaborar. Muchas gracias.
Y si a alguien le interesa echarles una mano a Kike y Marga:
Nº de cuenta de
Dolores Margarita Gaffaro Vilar y Enrique Vitoria Cormenzana
0030 1017 82 0387548273
It\'s not like this guy needs an introduction, but in case you’ve been living under a rock these years, there you go – this is Kike Turmix, ex-frontman of the Pleasure Fuckers and the boss at Safety Pin records, without a doubt an, if not THE, icon in Spain\'s punk&rock’n’roll scene.
Mr. Turmix is going through hard times these days. He’s been diagnosed a liver cancer, with metastasis to several other organs and, plainly put, he’s fucked. He’s going to get through all right, without a doubt! But it’s going to be long, painful and, well, expensive. He cannot currently work of course, and his wife Marga has also quit her job to be by him.
So now, if you have ever met Kike, had a drink with him, been booked a tour in Spanish for your band, hated, or praised him until you ran out of words, put your money where your mouth is and give him a hand in this hour of need. Every little helps!
This is Kike & Marga’s bank account:
Nº cta: 0030 1017 82 0387548273 (Banesto)
Titulares: Dolores Margarita Gaffaro Vilar y Enrique Vitoria Cormenzana
In the transfer\'s comment you can indicate ““Kike Turmix Fund” and, if you care, your name too, so they know where your help and appreciation comes from.
Thanks beforehand! Distribute this message around the rock’n’roll community!
More info (in Spanish) at
Autor: Redacción
Copyright Sonic Wave Magazine 2009